<title>I really just want to edit and compile my LaTeX files in VS Code</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 12 Jul 2021 21:43:47 -0600</pubDate>
<description>LaTeX has a ton of different flavors, releases, and installations: MacTeX, MiKTeX, TeXworks, XeTeX, pdfTeX, LuaTeX… If you’re using Linux and just want to edit LaTeX files in Visual Studio Code and have them automatically rendered as PDFs, follow these instructions:
On Arch-based distros, install the packages listed here. On Debian-based systems, sudo apt install texlive.
Install some Perl dependencies:
sudo cpan Log::Log4perl Log::LogDispatch Log::Dispatch::File YAML::Tiny File::HomeDir If you want to use FontAwesome on Arch-based systems, install the oft-font-awesome package and then do the following (source):</description>