What’s New

  • 05/2022: One paper on Social Media Content Tagging is accepted by KDD'22.
  • 04/2022: We organized the ICLR'22 Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing Workshop. (DLG4NLP@ICLR’22)
  • 04/2022: Received a Tencent WeChat Rhino-Bird Gift Fund. Thanks Tencent!
  • 03/2022: Two papers on Taxonomy Expansion and Reading Path Generation are accepted by ICDE'22 (Industry Track).
  • 03/2022: One paper on Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering is accepted by CVPR'22.
  • 02/2022: One paper on model measurement and question answering is accepted by ACL'22.
  • 02/2022: I accepted the invitation to serve as Program Committee member of CIKM 2022.
  • 02/2022: I gave a training course “Knowledge graphs: Extracting and leveraging meaning from unstructured text” in the NLP Training Series organized by IVADO and CLIQ-ai. (Slides)
  • 01/2022: Two papers on knowledge-based question answering and multi-modal knowledge graph are accepted by DASFAA'22.
  • 01/2022: One paper on reasoning over graphs is accepted by ICLR'22 as spotlight.
  • 01/2022: One paper on taxonomy completion is accepted by WWW'22.
  • 12/2021: One paper on code modeling is accepted by ICSE-NIER'22.
  • 12/2021: I am quite honoured to be named as a Canada CIFAR AI Chair. (CIFAR News)
  • 12/2021: One conference tutorial on GNNs for NLP is accepted at WWW'22.
  • 11/2021: I completed my duty of serving as a voluntary mentor in the Mila Mentorship Program.
  • 11/2021: My PhD student Suyuchen Wang won the Artificial Intelligence Scholarship.
  • 11/2021: My MSc student Pierre-William Breau has been awarded and accepted the Graduate and Postdoctoral Excellence Scholarships.
  • 11/2021: One paper on question answering is accepted at ICDE'22.
  • 11/2021: I accepted the invitation to serve as Program Committee member of the Applied Science Track of ACM SIGKDD 2022.
  • 11/2021: One workshop proposal "Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing (Graph4NLP)" is accepted and will take place at NAACL 2022, ICLR 2022.

Education & Training

  • Ph.D.January 2016 - January 2020

    Doctor of Philosophy

    University of Alberta (UA), Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada

  • M.Sc.September 2013 - September 2015

    Master of Science

    University of Alberta (UA), Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada

  • B.E.August 2009 - June 2013

    Bachelor of Engineering

    University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, China

Honors & Awards

  • Dec. 2021

    Canada CIFAR AI (CCAI) Chair

  • May 2020

    Governor General’s Gold Medal nomination

  • May 2020

    George Walker PhD Award in Electrical Engineering

  • Sep. 2017 - Sep. 2019

    Alberta Innovates - Graduate Student Scholarship (63,000 CAD)

  • Apr. 2019

    J Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award (1,500 CAD)

  • Jan. 2016 - Jan. 2017

    University of Alberta Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship (15,000 CAD)

  • Oct. 2012

    Outstanding Student Scholarship of USTC

  • Mar. 2012

    Meritorious Winner in Mathematical Contest in Modeling

  • Oct. 2011

    Award of Excellence in the 11th Robogame Contest of USTC

  • Oct. 2010

    Outstanding Student Scholarship of USTC