Mark when you've finished them.

  • (Kyle) Preprocessor caching
  • (Kyle) Preprocessor returns categorical distribution
  • (Kyle) Embedding baseline
  • (Seong) Python scripts (not notebooks) that use grid search, mag and save the plots in /visualizations for the following models:
    • Random Forest
    • XGBoost
    • Gaussian Discriminant Analysis
    • Naive Bayes
    • Logistic Regression
    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Support Vector Machine
    • K-Nearest Neighbors
    • K-Means
    • Gaussian Mixture Model
  • (Jared) Semi-supervised learning scripts (not notebooks) with fully-connected layer and 1-D CNN
    • Self-training
    • Co-training
    • Pi-model
    • Label propagation
    • Label gradient alignment
    • Using your model against itself
  • (anyone)

Directory Structure

  • embedding/: Learned embeddings, applied after preprocessing. For example, PCA.
  • experiments/class/: mag experiments on classification (phoneme boundaries given to model).
  • experiments/seg_class/: mag experiments on segmentation and classification (phoneme boundaries produced by model).
  • models/: custom model classes we've built.
  • preprocessing/: Loads data from files, caches it, and returns NumPy arrays.
  • results/: Assorted images/ plots that are interesting and could be useful in the final report. For example, a PCA .png
  • temp_{jared, kyle, seong}/: The equivalent of branches. Put work-in-progress here, and bring it out into the main system when it's done.
  • visualizations/: Examples of how to plot a Mel spectrogram, etc.


  • Run pytest
  • Add additional tests there. We'll use a single test module for now. pytest uses simple assert statements.


  • The directory containing speech2phone must be on the environment variable PYTHONPATH.
  • To append it, run export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/my/other/path".
  • For example, if I have Users/jarednielsen/Desktop/speech2phone, then I must have Users/jarednielsen/Desktop on my PYTHONPATH.
  • If that doesn't work because of conda, Add a .pth file to the directory $HOME/path/to/anaconda/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages. This can be named anything (it just must end with .pth). A .pth file is just a newline-separated listing of the full path-names of directories that will be added to your path on Python startup. For example, /anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/path.pth has the line /Users/jarednielsen/Desktop in it.
  • Use absolute imports everywhere. For example, import speech2phone or import speech2phone.preprocessing.
  • See speech2phone/ and speech2phone/preprocessing/ for examples of how to set up subpackages.
  • /preprocessing applies classic data processing methods (i.e. not learned) to the data, while /embedding applies learned methods. For example, Mel spectrogram stuff should be handled in /preprocessing.

boundary recognition


  • Recurrent network
  • Merging (like piecewise linear regression) with the criterion over a metric using dynamic time-warping


Options for embedding include:

  • spectrum
  • cepstrum
  • single linear layer (we could try this or just SGD)
  • more complex learned network
  • autoencoder
  • UMAP
  • t-SNE

These will all be specifiable by importing from the embedding module. The spectrum works pretty well as an embedding space, as we found by doing some PCA (see /visualizations/pca_embedding.png). I think we'll use it as a baseline.

Things to try (add ideas here)

  • trinemes
  • dynamic time-warping
  • reapply models to TIMIT to quantify results (quantified semi-supervised learning)
  • use Mel spectrogram but give some time dependence (80 freq x 10 time)
  • using the activations from the neural network to try to predict the speaker, and then consider the ethical implications (a la "voiceprint" technology)

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