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How do you start up your multi-container application? Lots of the time these multi-container setups have dependencies between them and you need to start them in a specific order? How can you get this done automatically on bootup? Today I’m going over how to use Docker Compose and systemd to automatically launch all your containers in the correct order on bootup leveraging systemd on a Debian host.

So if you’ve got an MQTT broker (or another service) that must start up before your Home Assistant service and you’re already using Docker Compose this is an article for you! This method works great on a Raspberry Pi but should also work on anything using systemd as the initilization system.


First off, there are probably dependencies between services in your docker-compose.yml file. For the purposes of this article I’m going to detail the method I used for my Home Assistant configuration. My compose file looks like:

If you’re interested in learning more about some of these services, check out my other articles:

Looking at this compose file you can see that both the grafana and homeassistant service depend on the influxdb service. When our system boots up we want to make sure they get started in the correct order and the next one doesn’t start until the previous is up and running. Ideally, our application logic takes care of all this but it’s a good idea to built-in checks to the startup logic.

To take care of the service dependency mechanism, I’m going to be using wait-for-it, a bash script that will wait until it sees data on a port. Go ahead and download that script and mark it as executable.

Service Script

Next, we’ll create the service script that systemd will call to start and stop our multi-container Docker application.

I created a new shell script called “service” (no file extension).

Let’s break this down:

After creating this file you should mark it as executable (chmod +x service). To test it out run ./service start to start the application and ./service stop to bring it down.

Service File

Debian and many other Linux distributions use systemd as their initialization system. We can create a systemd service for our docker application so that the operating system can start it up on a reboot.

To create a systemd service you need a .service file. For this example, I created a new file called ha.service. See the contents below:

What does this do?

After creating that file we need to enable it. I symlinked it into the /etc/systemd/system directory and then enabled it through systemctl.

Testing it Out

Everything should now be set up for a proper systemd service. Reboot your server to make sure that everything starts up correctly. You can also use systemctl to start and stop the service manually.

If you need help debugging, you can use journalctl to view the systemd logs. The following command usually works for me (make sure you scroll to the bottom):

At first, systemd looks like it’s a really complicated solution for getting your application running after reboot, but hopefully breaking it down like this has cleared up some of the mystery. Let me know in the comments of other great systemd best practices or how you bootup your docker applications.

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