
Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality

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This post was created as an assignment in Bang Liu’s IFT6289 course in winter 2022. The structure of the post follows the structure of the assignment: summarization followed by my own comments. paper summarization This paper describes multiple improvements that are made to the original Skip-gram model: Decreasing the rate of exposure to common words improves the training speed and increases the model’s accuracy on infrequent words. A new training target they call “negative sampling” improves the training speed and the model’s accuracy on frequent words.

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Cross-lingual alignment of contextual word embeddings, with applications to zero-shot dependency parsing

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Recent contextual word embeddings (e.g. ELMo) have shown to be much better than “static” embeddings (where there’s a one-to-one mapping from token to representation). This paper is exciting because they were able to create a multi-lingual embedding space that used contextual word embeddings. Each token will have a “point cloud” of embedding values, one point for each context containing the token. They define the embedding anchor as the average of all those points for a particular token.

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SpanBERT: improving pre-training by representing and predicting spans

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BERT optimizes the Masked Language Model (MLM) objective by masking word pieces uniformly at random in its training data and attempting to predict the masked values. With SpanBERT, spans of tokens are masked and the model is expected to predict the text in the spans from the representations of the words on the boundary. Span lengths follow a geometric distribution, and span start points are uniformly random. To predict each individual masked token, a two-layer feedforward network was provided with the boundary token representations plus the position embedding of the target token, and the output vector representation was used to predict the masked token and compute cross-entropy loss exactly as in standard MLM.

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Deep contextualized word representations

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This is the original paper introducing Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo). Unlike most widely used word embeddings, ELMo word representations are functions of the entire input sentence. That’s what makes ELMo great: they’re contextualized word representations, meaning that they can express multiple possible senses of the same word. Specifically, ELMo representations are a learned linear combination of all layers of an LSTM encoding. The LSTM undergoes general semi-supervised pretraining, but the linear combination is learned specific to the task.

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Attention is all you need

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I also referred to this implementation to understand some of the details. This is the paper describing the Transformer, a sequence-to-sequence model based entirely on attention. I think it’s best described with pictures. model overview From this picture, I think the following things need explaining: embeddings these are learned embeddings that convert the input and output tokens to vectors of the model dimension. In this paper, they actually used the same weight matrix for input embedding, output embedding, and the final linear layer before the final softmax.

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