content in philosophy on Kyle RothHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usFri, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400 are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with John Abramson, outspoken critic of Big Pharma. Lex: Are people corrupt? Are people malevolent? Are people ignorant that work at the low level and at the high level, at Pfizer for example? How is this possible? I believe that most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma your life trajectory often involves dreaming, wanting, and enjoying helping people., 30 Mar 2022 13:34:53 -0400 out that money does buy happiness. You may have heard that people’s average happiness stops improving once you make more than $75,000/year? Researchers did a better survey with more data and found that that was not the case. The researchers cited 5 methodological improvements over the old research that suggested that it didn’t matter after $75,000: They measured people’s happiness in real time, instead of having people try to remember past happiness levels., 09 Mar 2022 09:39:16 -0500 are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with Philip Goff, a panpsychist. The Enlightenment ideal is to follow the evidence and the arguments where they lead, but it’s very hard for human beings to do that. I think we get stuck in some conception of how we think science ought to look. People talk about religion as a crutch, but I think a certain kind of scientism, a certain conception of how science is supposed to be, gets into people’s identity and their sense of themselves and their security., 17 Feb 2022 09:51:11 -0500 for yourself I recognized myself a little in this book, not in the events, severity, or locations but in the path to being “educated” in the sense that Westover intends. I’ll try to convey what that sense is with some quotes from the book. The first moment is after she takes a class on American history at BYU. She returns home and gets her face dirty while working, and her brother calls her a N—r, a joke he had made many times before., 01 Feb 2022 14:35:37 -0500 are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with Peter Wang, co-founder and CEO of Anaconda: For a lot of human history, there wasn’t so much a meaning crisis as just a food and not getting eaten by bears crisis. Once you get to a point where you can make food there was a not getting killed by other humans crisis. Sitting around wondering what it’s all about is a relatively recent luxury., 16 Jan 2022 15:11:14 -0500 this dialog Hermogenes comes to Socrates to discuss Cratylus’ view of the nature of names, whether they are true to the objects they represent or are just conventional. Hermogenes believes that names are purely conventional, while Cratylus believes the opposite. Socrates falls somewhere in the middle: I quite agree with you that words should as far as possible resemble things; but I fear that this dragging in of resemblance, as Hermogenes says, is a shabby thing, which has to be supplemented by the mechanical aid of convention with a view to correctness; for I believe that if we could always, or almost always, use likenesses, which are perfectly appropriate, this would be the most perfect state of language; as the opposite is the most imperfect., 27 Dec 2021 14:05:02 -0700 this dialogue Crito comes to Socrates who is in prison waiting to be executed by the state. Crito has come to convince Socrates to come and escape with him. Crito’s escape plan will not cause great inconvenience for any of Socrates’ friends, and he would be able to live well in Thessaly. Socrates ends up convincing Crito that it would be wrong for him to escape. “the opinion of the many” CRITO: But you see, Socrates, that the opinion of the many must be regarded, for what is now happening shows that they can do the greatest evil to anyone who has lost their good opinion., 26 Dec 2021 13:40:45 -0700’m starting a course of foundational texts in philosophy with a friend of mine, and this is the first one we’ve read. Socrates is often considered a founder of Western philosophy, and it was easy for me to see in the text some common philosophical themes I’ve been exposed to growing up in the West. the fear of death is irrational Socrates argues that the fear of death is irrational from two perspectives: one, that what happens after death cannot be bad; and two, that a righteous person needs to be more concerned with whether he is doing right or wrong than whether death occurs or not., 23 Aug 2020 07:47:12 -0600 main character of the first story slowly changed his attitude toward demands on his resources. “Can I actually fulfill this request, given the time and resources I have?” “Is this the very most important thing I should be doing with my time and resources right now?” “Just because I was invited didn’t seem a good enough reason to attend.” It’s important to pursue “less but better” in a disciplined way.
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<title>ethics drift within bubbles</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400</pubDate>
<description>Here are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with John Abramson, outspoken critic of Big Pharma. Lex: Are people corrupt? Are people malevolent? Are people ignorant that work at the low level and at the high level, at Pfizer for example? How is this possible? I believe that most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma your life trajectory often involves dreaming, wanting, and enjoying helping people.</description>
<title>Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 30 Mar 2022 13:34:53 -0400</pubDate>
<description>Turns out that money does buy happiness. You may have heard that people&rsquo;s average happiness stops improving once you make more than $75,000/year? Researchers did a better survey with more data and found that that was not the case. The researchers cited 5 methodological improvements over the old research that suggested that it didn&rsquo;t matter after $75,000: They measured people&rsquo;s happiness in real time, instead of having people try to remember past happiness levels.</description>
<title>quotes from a Lex Fridman interview with Philip Goff</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:39:16 -0500</pubDate>
<description>Here are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with Philip Goff, a panpsychist. The Enlightenment ideal is to follow the evidence and the arguments where they lead, but it&rsquo;s very hard for human beings to do that. I think we get stuck in some conception of how we think science ought to look. People talk about religion as a crutch, but I think a certain kind of scientism, a certain conception of how science is supposed to be, gets into people&rsquo;s identity and their sense of themselves and their security.</description>
<pubDate>Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:51:11 -0500</pubDate>
<description>thinking for yourself I recognized myself a little in this book, not in the events, severity, or locations but in the path to being &ldquo;educated&rdquo; in the sense that Westover intends. I&rsquo;ll try to convey what that sense is with some quotes from the book. The first moment is after she takes a class on American history at BYU. She returns home and gets her face dirty while working, and her brother calls her a N&mdash;r, a joke he had made many times before.</description>
<title>meaning-making in the post-modern world</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:35:37 -0500</pubDate>
<description>Here are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with Peter Wang, co-founder and CEO of Anaconda: For a lot of human history, there wasn&rsquo;t so much a meaning crisis as just a food and not getting eaten by bears crisis. Once you get to a point where you can make food there was a not getting killed by other humans crisis. Sitting around wondering what it&rsquo;s all about is a relatively recent luxury.</description>
<pubDate>Sun, 16 Jan 2022 15:11:14 -0500</pubDate>
<description>In this dialog Hermogenes comes to Socrates to discuss Cratylus&rsquo; view of the nature of names, whether they are true to the objects they represent or are just conventional. Hermogenes believes that names are purely conventional, while Cratylus believes the opposite. Socrates falls somewhere in the middle: I quite agree with you that words should as far as possible resemble things; but I fear that this dragging in of resemblance, as Hermogenes says, is a shabby thing, which has to be supplemented by the mechanical aid of convention with a view to correctness; for I believe that if we could always, or almost always, use likenesses, which are perfectly appropriate, this would be the most perfect state of language; as the opposite is the most imperfect.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 27 Dec 2021 14:05:02 -0700</pubDate>
<description>In this dialogue Crito comes to Socrates who is in prison waiting to be executed by the state. Crito has come to convince Socrates to come and escape with him. Crito&rsquo;s escape plan will not cause great inconvenience for any of Socrates&rsquo; friends, and he would be able to live well in Thessaly. Socrates ends up convincing Crito that it would be wrong for him to escape. &ldquo;the opinion of the many&rdquo; CRITO: But you see, Socrates, that the opinion of the many must be regarded, for what is now happening shows that they can do the greatest evil to anyone who has lost their good opinion.</description>
<title>Apology of Socrates</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 26 Dec 2021 13:40:45 -0700</pubDate>
<description>I&rsquo;m starting a course of foundational texts in philosophy with a friend of mine, and this is the first one we&rsquo;ve read. Socrates is often considered a founder of Western philosophy, and it was easy for me to see in the text some common philosophical themes I&rsquo;ve been exposed to growing up in the West. the fear of death is irrational Socrates argues that the fear of death is irrational from two perspectives: one, that what happens after death cannot be bad; and two, that a righteous person needs to be more concerned with whether he is doing right or wrong than whether death occurs or not.</description>
<pubDate>Sun, 23 Aug 2020 07:47:12 -0600</pubDate>
<description>The main character of the first story slowly changed his attitude toward demands on his resources. &ldquo;Can I actually fulfill this request, given the time and resources I have?&rdquo; &ldquo;Is this the very most important thing I should be doing with my time and resources right now?&rdquo; &ldquo;Just because I was invited didn&rsquo;t seem a good enough reason to attend.&rdquo; It&rsquo;s important to pursue &ldquo;less but better&rdquo; in a disciplined way.</description>