content in sociology on Kyle RothHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usFri, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400 are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with John Abramson, outspoken critic of Big Pharma. Lex: Are people corrupt? Are people malevolent? Are people ignorant that work at the low level and at the high level, at Pfizer for example? How is this possible? I believe that most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma your life trajectory often involves dreaming, wanting, and enjoying helping people.
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<title>ethics drift within bubbles</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 01 Apr 2022 08:35:54 -0400</pubDate>
<description>Here are some snippets from a Lex Fridman interview with John Abramson, outspoken critic of Big Pharma. Lex: Are people corrupt? Are people malevolent? Are people ignorant that work at the low level and at the high level, at Pfizer for example? How is this possible? I believe that most people are good, and I actually believe if you join Big Pharma your life trajectory often involves dreaming, wanting, and enjoying helping people.</description>