Data scaling laws in NMT: the effect of noise and architecture

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deep-learning neural-scaling

This paper is all about trying a bunch of different changes to the training setup to see what affects the power law exponent over dataset size. Here are some of the answers:

  • encoder-decoder size asymmetry: exponent not affected, but effective model capacity affected
  • architecture (LSTM vs. Transformer): exponent not affected, but effective model capacity affected
  • dataset quality (filtered vs. not): exponent and effective model capacity not effected, losses on smaller datasets affected
  • dataset source (ParaCrawl vs. in-house dataset): exponent not affected
  • adding independent noise: exponent not affected, but effective model capacity affected

Here are some other things to test that I thought of while I read this:

  • compare scaling with respect to language pairs (the architecture experiments saw p=0.28 and p=0.25 for en -> de and zh -> en respectively. Is that difference significant?)