content in question-answering on Kyle RothHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usTue, 05 Apr 2022 22:54:43 -0400, 05 Apr 2022 22:54:43 -0400 post was created as an assignment in Bang Liu’s IFT6289 course in winter 2022. The structure of the post follows the structure of the assignment: summarization followed by my own comments. The authors create a novel system for combining an LM and a knowledge graph by performing reasoning over a joint graph produced by the LM and the KG, thus solving the problem of irrelevant entities appearing in the knowledge graph and unifying the representations across the LM and KG.
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<title>QA-GNN: reasoning with language models and knowledge graphs for question answering</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 05 Apr 2022 22:54:43 -0400</pubDate>
<description>This post was created as an assignment in Bang Liu&rsquo;s IFT6289 course in winter 2022. The structure of the post follows the structure of the assignment: summarization followed by my own comments. The authors create a novel system for combining an LM and a knowledge graph by performing reasoning over a joint graph produced by the LM and the KG, thus solving the problem of irrelevant entities appearing in the knowledge graph and unifying the representations across the LM and KG.</description>