Discriminating half of your population is a crime against humanity of such immense stupidity that hardly any words can be found to describe it. Next to the social and millionfold individual suffering, the scientific and economic damage is immense and countries lead by such deluded conservatives are immensely weakened. In a modern, equitable country simply everything would collapse if overnight a suddenly appearing dictatorship would disenfranchise all women.

There is often the old belief in tale

Discriminating half of your population is a crime against humanity of such immense stupidity that hardly any words can be found to describe it. Next to the social and millionfold individual suffering, the scientific and economic damage is immense and countries lead by such deluded conservatives are immensely weakened. In a modern, equitable country simply everything would collapse if overnight a suddenly appearing dictatorship would disenfranchise all women. There is often the old belief in talent and gender, but it is talent, hard work, and perseverance, independent of the gender.The argument of conservative sexists gets really ridiculous if one takes people born in bodies with genders they don´t identify with, among others all variants of LGBTs, as examples. In these cases, the vindications lose any logical and comprehensible semblance and can be seen as the pure shenanigans that they are. Cause it shows, that the human, person and character are the facts that count and not the body, genitals, hormones, self-concept or something. Instead, other arbitrary arguments such as height, weight or some kind of descendant of eugenics could be taken to show the absurdity. As seen in statistics, boys get outstripped and owned by girls as kids already in early childhood and adolescence in a fair society and in most western, democratic countries most problems with addiction, inability of adaption to new circumstances, stress resistance, let's say it, nearly every flaw, is a male problem. The only thing men are really good at is getting megalomaniac and destroying the planet. This is perfectly shown in the reports of sociologists and psychologists that compare kids in schools as following: Males never stop with stupid hierarchical and physical fights, have nearly all the learning problems, disturb the lessons, are more prone to any addictive substance and abuse it much more often, can´t multitask, aren´t as diligent as girls and have very low social skills. The only sexist argument that makes men look good are the higher achievements in the MINT areas. This is definitively just a consequence of sexism, telling little girls that evil maths, physics, etc. is too difficult for their cute little heads (jovial, condescending patting) and that they should do something less manly that fits to their lesser skills. If a girl is well educated by modern parents and the enthusiasm awakened at an early age, she wipes the floor with a boy with the same starting conditions. It´s not as if I am so schizophrenic to be a misandrist, but there are so many negative aspects of my gender that one could really point at any past, actual or future problem and show that it is purely manmade. We are tribal, archaic, easy to manipulate, violent, hateful and totally asocial and totally ruthless regarding the consequences of our actions. Be it wars in the past or the economic mayhem in the present, I simply don´t believe that women in power would act so stupid, against the interest of humanity and especially against the interest of their own children. And for what do manly men do this stuff? Money and power to get even hairier chests, larger harems and more ultimate powaaaa, emperor Palpatine style. I know that I have all those tendencies inside myself and can say that is a daily struggle not to be a ...., because it is the easy, fast and comfortable way to be an egoistic, manipulative, power-hungry, evil, hateful, cold, career-obsessed and brutal tyrant and demagogue instead of helping others, being social, unselfish, self- sacrificing, listening, caring and a better human. A good education has to begin with the youngest boys, cause as soon as a certain age is reached, the elder ones are lost trough indoctrination with BS and unable to change at a terrifyingly young age and would rather kill or die than to adapt to better alternatives. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are rare and the funny thing is that the most successful and rich man go the way of hard work, are often introverts, do feminine things like reading and beeing immune to stupid group dynamics that normally steal the time to do meaningful work. The danger of inequality for the whole state can be seen in history with multiple examples since the beginning of historiography. A population that is divided and not emancipated has less defensive, production and offensive capabilities, is more susceptible to agitators from enemy states who simply have to spread the facts about the grievances and has to keep its own population monitored by a terror secret police to keep it from uprising.An army can have shieldmaidens that are more dangerous than any man, because they won´t fear death just because of the option to go to Valhalla, but because they will die to defend their children, something man probably won´t do in each case or the army, as always in history, simply sucks because it is a mixture of conscripted and slave soldiers, mercenaries and incompetent officers and general staff.

Slavery is another prime example of how a state may accumulate immense wealth as long as the times are primitive, but as soon as industrialization sets in, it becomes an immense inner danger. Oppression is just a softer kind of slavery without direct possession certificates and many once-mighty empires had this self-destruction button integrated into their system, with examples as the Qing dynasty, the Romans, the Umayyad dynasty, the British empire, the Yuan dynasty, the Caliphate, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of.... If one builds his society and a stupid model, one should not wonder if his global empire perishes.

If any of those states would have been a democracy, the rest of the world would have been doomed, because while the others would have kept fighting with each other and against the behemoth, the inner stability would have been the key to success in the path to world domination. Each high developed country depends on emancipation and justice, as seen on statistics on the best places to live. A limitation of the rights and possibilities of half of the population is a sign of so massive wretchedness and madness at the same time because it causes immense harm and reduces competitiveness. As if nothing could be learned out of the many deterrent examples out of the past and actual failing states that castrate themselves by overestimating their primary sexual characteristics. A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real-life outside books:



