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The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World
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The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

A debut from Forbes' third most powerful woman in the world, Melinda Gates, a timely and necessary call to action for women's empowerment.

For the last twenty years, Melinda Gates has been on a mission. Her goal, as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has been to find solutions for people with the most urgent needs, wherever they live. Throughout this journey,
Hardcover, 273 pages
Published April 23rd 2019 by Flatiron Books
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Carolyn That is a sad question. Here you have people who are trying to be transparent about what work they choose to do, funding it to a degree most of us cou…moreThat is a sad question. Here you have people who are trying to be transparent about what work they choose to do, funding it to a degree most of us could never equal, and how they go about it, and you're worried that they don't fit your idea of how they should look. Isn't that stereotyping?
Meredith Yes, it is a brilliant and inspirational call to action for equality in our homes, the U.S., and around the world. Through stories of her own life and…moreYes, it is a brilliant and inspirational call to action for equality in our homes, the U.S., and around the world. Through stories of her own life and women around the world, Melinda Gates brings into focus issues, that if we solve, can help improve the lives of everyone around the world. It is required reading in my house, and I highly encourage everyone to read it.

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Bill Gates
Apr 09, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I would say this even if I weren’t married to the author: The Moment of Lift is a terrific read.

It is a wise, honest, and beautifully written book about how empowering women lifts up everyone. (None of that will be surprising to anyone who knows Melinda.) Although it took her about a year to write, in a way she has been working on it her whole life. The Moment of Lift is about the women who have inspired Melinda, starting with her own mother, through her colleagues at Microsoft, and continuing t
May 08, 2019 rated it it was amazing
If you invest in a girl or a woman, you’re investing in everyone else.

I did not realise the depth of philanthropy that Melinda Gates is invested in. She is seriously invested in the rights of women and making women more empowered around the world. She works tirelessly within her organisation the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. I knew nothing of the work undertaken by this organisation, they certainly use their wealth for excellent means. Melinda travels around the world, stays with families
Mario the lone bookwolf
Discriminating half of your population is a crime against humanity of such immense stupidity that hardly any words can be found to describe it. Next to the social and millionfold individual suffering, the scientific and economic damage is immense and countries lead by such deluded conservatives are immensely weakened. In a modern, equitable country simply everything would collapse if overnight a suddenly appearing dictatorship would disenfranchise all women.

There is often the old belief in tale
Oct 23, 2019 added it
In the crazy way life sometimes goes these days I got to interview Melinda Gates about her new book. I'm really excited for you to all see it when it comes out (I think in January!). This book opened my eyes to a lot of things I just wasn't facing or thinking about but more than anything, learning about Bill and Melinda's lives, and their dedication to helping others, really made me think a lot about how we help other people and how much of a priority we should put on that. ...more
Sep 11, 2019 rated it really liked it
Shelves: book-clubs

I’m embarrassed to say this is another book I wouldn’t have read except for my book club. And I would have missed out.

The moment of lift is that moment a rocket or plane takes off and leaves the ground. It’s also a moment of grace. As Gates uses the term, it combines those two definitions. It’s the moment that groups of women find ways to overcome their problems, whether it be keeping girls in school, delaying marriage for girls, providing contraceptives in isolated areas or preventing HIV in s
May 20, 2019 rated it did not like it
For this book I need to make a whole new shelf called "abandoned with hatred and anger".
If you haven't heard that people and children die in Africa because of poverty, hunger no health care etc, and if you haven't heard that people in poor African countries have many children, who die under age of five, and you have no idea that in Africa they had no education, and you haven't heard about inexplicably rich people form western world, known as philanthropists, who go there and try to help those po
Elyse  Walters
Ebook: own.
Audiobook: library overdrive.

Paul, and I both enjoyed listening to Melinda Gates—( while hiking and lounging in the yard).

I loved learning about Melinda’s personal history - Her personal life stories and the many stories of women around the world.

Melinda Gates - ( leading by example), has written a brilliant ‘call-to-arms’ that describes injustices in the world.....gender inequality for women - brutal disadvantages in the developing counties - poverty - sexual mutilation, abuse, h
Cathrine ☯️
5 ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️
I’d say the moment of lift begins as soon as you finish this book.
I don’t think I would have read it but the audio appealed to me so that’s how it got under my reading skin.
It delivers greatly in a thoughtful, intelligent, positive, and emotional telling in Melinda’s own upbeat voice.
I’ve been thinking how can I endorse it; how to convey to you and the author what I thought and how it impacted me—why you should read it.
Here it is: Melinda Gates for President.
I mean it.
The Moment of Lift

I cannot say enough good things about this book. She is saying, advocating and calling to action with words that are persuasive to me and are hitting me right in the heart. Read this book.. She covers many of the ways women and underprivileged groups are pushed down throughout the world (throughout the ages!) and approaches that have been taken in the past and how the paths to the end goals have changed, because understanding of the needs and obstacles has increased. She calls
Jun 20, 2019 rated it really liked it
Overall: I loved this book and found it very inspiring. A very important read that touches on many key global health issues. The overall message of this book can be summarized as: When we lift up women and girls everywhere, it benefits us all. 4+/5 or 8/10
Highly recommend this to everyone but be warned to any that are sensitive to topics such as: rape, domestic violence, religious issues and contraception, child brides, and the sex trade.

Summary: Melinda Gates has actively been involved in vari
Jun 11, 2019 rated it it was ok
This book has some powerful and compelling stories of women around the world desperately trying not only to survive but to provide a better life for their children against insurmountable odds. It also does a good job of highlighting some of the work of the Gates foundation, as well, as finding common ground with the work of Rosling and Brene Brown.

Nonetheless, I struggle with the tone and voice of this book. Why? It’s preachy. I can totally get behind the premise of this book. If we want to chan
Connie G
Melinda Gates and her husband, Bill Gates, are co-founders of the Gates Foundation which works to improve health and reduce poverty in developing countries. They have supplied vaccines and birth control, and worked to keep girls in school. They have also partnered with organizations in developing countries to prevent child brides. The foundation has been helping farmers by providing better varieties of seeds and other items needed for farming. Melinda emphasizes that it's important to involve th ...more
Sep 07, 2021 rated it really liked it
Shelves: memoirs, feminism
The Moment of Lift was a moving memoir by Melinda Gates talking about her work for the last twenty years in heading the foundation founded by she and her ex-husband Bill Gates. There were a lot of compelling stories from people around the world that she has met in her global travels as she has worked to overcome a lot of social issues affecting women leading to gender equity. The predominant theme is the empowerment of women, thus empowering society as a whole.

"How can we summon a moment of
Jul 06, 2019 rated it really liked it
Melinda Gates has a famous name and job, but who knows what she actually does? Running a foundation with assets exceeding that of many countries must carry enormous stresses, particularly for people who understand that injecting cash into a problem may actually make the problem grow. What courage it must take just to try.

This had to have been a hard book to write, what with a crushing schedule, children, and weighty responsibilities, to say nothing of the disparate and discrete problems of women
I was not sure what to expect from this book. But I was pleasantly surprised at how it managed to quickly intrigue me. The book is well written. Gates provides little information about her own life. As she was growing up, her father was an engineer working for NASA. She was lucky that her father thought STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education was important for his daughter.

The book is primarily about the Gates Foundation and how they and the Foundation have evolved over th
Woman Reading
3.5 ☆ rounded up
If you want to lift up humanity, empower women.
It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make in human beings.
... sometimes all that’s needed to lift women up is to stop pulling them down.

In The Moment of Lift, Melinda Gates explained how she became a feminist and its impact on her decisions. Despite her atypical-for-a-woman educational attainment (a computer science degree and a MBA), she retained a very traditional mindset throughout her 30
Kristy K
Jan 16, 2020 rated it really liked it
Shelves: reference, 2020, sociology
This book is truly about women empowerment. Gates acknowledges her own privilege and keeps the focus on the women that are often left in the margins. It is both inspirational and heartbreaking. I am so glad that there are people like Melinda Gates who make it their life’s work to help improve the life of the countless millions who’s voices are rarely heard.

One thing I love about this book is that Gates doesn’t paint herself as the savior. The women she talks about are the real heroes in their o
Jul 29, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I really loved this book. It is a book that tells the stories of women around the world and their struggles, and the things that have been done or need to be done to help empower them and lift them up. When women are more empowered, everybody benefits. So heartbreaking and encouraging to read these brave women's stories and see the changes that can happen. It makes me so angry how women all over the world are treated and how it is looked at as okay because it is the way it has always been.

Sep 16, 2019 rated it it was amazing
A thought-provoking and inspiring book full of touching stories of women from around the world.

Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation authors this necessary call to action for women’s empowerment. For the past twenty years, Gates has been finding solutions to lift people out of poverty. Through her travels she has come to realized that to really lift a society up, you must invest in its women. She is driven by the belief that no one should be excluded, all lives have equa
Renegade ♥
5 stars

And most of us fall into one of the same three groups: the people who try to create outsiders, the people who are made to feel like outsiders, and the people who stand by and don't stop it.

Anyone can be made to feel like an outsider. It’s up to the people who have the power to exclude. Often it’s on the basis of race. Depending on a culture’s fears and biases, Jews can be treated as outsiders. Muslims can be treated as outsiders. Christians can be treated as outsiders. The poor are always
May 03, 2021 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: 2021, non-fiction
This book is a collection of amazing stories about the philanthropic efforts for women empowerment by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I've known about their efforts throughout the years, but seeing it all summarized in a book written by Melinda Gates herself really put it all in perspective. In this book, she addreses empowering women though education, gender equality, and health care. Melinda's passion and commitment to live her Catholic faith by loving thy neighbor as yourself is eviden ...more
Jun 18, 2020 rated it really liked it
i listened to this on audio, which was fine, but melinda gates narrates like she's giving a keynote instead of like she's reading a personal memoir lmao.

this is an easily digestible take on feminism and philanthropy from a wealthy, white woman who knows she's wealthy and white. it's driven by data, facts, research, with personal anecdotes and travel experiences to fill out the rest of the memoir. it's not an emotional read, but it's an informative read. although we need to eat the rich, i do th
Carol (Bookaria)
Jul 20, 2019 rated it really liked it
Shelves: 2019, non-fiction
This book explores how educating and empowering women brings significant and positive change in communities around the world.

Melinda Gates describes her experiences and challenges but also the profound fulfillment that working in the foundation has brought to her life. I think this work is important and, even though, some of the stories were deeply sad we should still listen and explore how we can help from wherever we stand.

An inspiring and enlightening read.
Betsy Robinson
Mar 14, 2020 rated it it was amazing
"What do I want?" I often ask myself. And usually my answer is some version of "To be useful, being who I am."

I am not Melinda Gates, but being who I am—a person who reads and gives her opinions about books—my most useful function here would be to say that Melinda Gates has found out who she is and is using every cell of that self to help lift up others—women and men. And to that end, she has written a wonderful book. Yes, it's about working for women's equality all over the world, but the natur
Ying Ying
May 25, 2019 rated it it was amazing
The more I read, the more I got into the book. Chapters 5 and 9 are my favorite ones. In Chapter 5, I loved reading about Melinda's personal story with Bill and showed me what an equal partnership really means. Chapter 9 wraps up the book beautifully with much wisdom about people living in the margins and how we should face the pain and instead create a world of inclusion.

Below are the book passages that I took note of on OneNote, as I was reading the book.

Pg. 149: "Killian says, 'To be known wi
Oct 04, 2019 rated it it was amazing
This is the most important book I have listened to this year. The author narrates, and I highly recommend listening to her passion, conviction, intelligence, empathy, and just plain sanity that we all need so much nowadays.

Melinda Gates puts forth her work helping the poorest in the world and the lessons she learned while traveling and talking to them. They set out to lift the most marginalized - and found that almost everything they delved into led them to women. Women are the poorest, most di
Kyra Leseberg (Roots & Reads)
I've known for years that Melinda Gates is an inspiring philanthropist who has worked mostly behind the scenes. This book brings her into the spotlight and focuses on her investment in women across the globe; giving them access to contraceptives and education while lifting their voices to create equality and opportunities to advance their lives.

Gates strongly believes in a woman's choice to decide whether and when to have children and even speaks candidly about her own use of contraception to sp
Mar 31, 2019 rated it it was amazing
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 - LADIES AND GENTLEMEN this is a must-read👏🏼 Gates opened my eyes to a whole other side of women empowerment💃🏼 She adressed a lot of different issues, many that seem forgotten in today’s society - there’s a particular focus on developing countries and on her and Bill’s foundation. She’s clearly educated and passionate about her work but her tone is very down-to-earth, which I loved. A lot of what she said resonated with me and I think this is exactly what its intended to be - educat ...more
Jayne Gerdeman Homsher
Feb 16, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I have to say this book by Melinda Gates has grabbed my attention from start to finish. I cancelled my entire day to read her book cover to cover and then I sent her a message on Twitter. My senses of well being and support for other women have been encouraged in the right ways from this book. I have always tried to inspire women of all ages to get involved in working in science, and technologies that are coming to the marketplace. I only wish I could do even more well this book really drives it ...more
This is basically a collection of the author's variety of thoughts about women related issues from gender equality, health, agriculture, violence, unpaid work, and so on. I was expecting more about how a philanthropy organization work but did not find many new information. Yet, maybe this is still a good primer for people who are new to the topic. I just wish it's less philosophical and the chapters are better organized. There are still some interesting points made e.g. empowering women vs. reli ...more
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Melinda French Gates is a philanthropist, businesswoman, and global advocate for women and girls.

As the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Melinda sets the direction and priorities of the world’s largest philanthropy. She is also the founder of Pivotal Ventures, an investment and incubation company working to drive social progress for women and families in the United States.

Melinda g

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“Every society says its outsiders are the problem. But the outsiders are not the problem; the urge to create outsiders is the problem. Overcoming that urge is our greatest challenge and our greatest promise. It will take courage and insight, because the people we push to the margins are the ones who trigger in us the feelings we're afraid of.” 92 likes
“As women gain rights, families flourish, and so do societies. That connection is built on a simple truth: Whenever you include a group that's been excluded, you benefit everyone. And when you're working globally to include women and girls, who are half of every population, you're working to benefit all members of every community. Gender equity lifts everyone. Women's rights and society's health and wealth rise together.” 63 likes
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