The book unites much that has already been written about intermittent fasting, real long time and permanent weight loss, how to eat healthily and, as the ultimate goal, die later.It´s the perfect companion to Gregers´ first, groundbreaking work How not to die that showed how certain illnesses can be prevented and what foods boost the possibility of longevity, but didn´t explain in detail how to endure the path to the perfect weight and blood levels.

Let´s say that many weight-losing methods might

The book unites much that has already been written about intermittent fasting, real long time and permanent weight loss, how to eat healthily and, as the ultimate goal, die later.It´s the perfect companion to Gregers´ first, groundbreaking work How not to die that showed how certain illnesses can be prevented and what foods boost the possibility of longevity, but didn´t explain in detail how to endure the path to the perfect weight and blood levels.Let´s say that many weight-losing methods might be effective in short-term periods, but many know this critter named jojo effect who sometimes even adds the one or other pound after the motivation got lost and fatigue set in again, but at least the beauty and weight-loss industry was happy.So instead of taking pills, overexercising, fasting without a real concept, plan, method, dietary change and not stopping craving for unhealthy foods, one could try to go for a long-term perspective. And here come two immense problems: willpower and temptation. Probably cousins of the mentioned jojo effect, they love to go hand in hand, because the strength of self-discipline enables one to consume one small piece of cake, one beer or just 15 potato chips. (That´s the reason why I always drink just 6 beer or more.) Go with the last one, because these crispy killers are a prime example of the problem how freaking delicious those murderous delectations are, damn, what I would do for a potato chip and a sixpack right now…I mean, a second one of course.It is highly individual how someone deals with this problem, be it avoiding anything, binge eating from time to time or staying somewhere in the middle, using it as a motivation or reward. Even then it stays still similar to smoking just one cigarette, taking just one drug,... de facto giving just a little illness, lesser cancer, and the immense pain to control the brain's dark impulses for more and more and far too much.Gregor shows the pitfalls and cures that don´t work in the first chapter "The problem", provides us the "ingredients for the ideal weight loss diet" in chapter two, which includes many aspects of his first book "How not do die.", gives a short introduction to the coming lifelong challenge in chapter 3 and gets really heavy-duty in chapter 4, where the awful truth is revealed in all its details. One has to, gosh, eat clean, work out, starve,... consequentially, hard and forever (stupid science, develop immortality, now!) to life long.That chapter blew me away, it united many facts I already knew from books, articles, and news sites and added some other amazing tricks to reach 100, still able to run faster and debate down much younger 70 to 80-year-old rugrats. People might be unsure if it´s worth it, because I have become pretty extreme in avoiding helping to give unnecessary illnesses exponential growth boosters and I don´t have to lie (anymore ;))regarding the happiness that comes with the reduction to the necessary and optimum. It´s brutal, it´s ugly and it makes no fun for the first few months or one or two years, but I like to compare it with consumerism or an unwary, not mindful ego.Consumerism: If one is hooked on buying and accumulates tens of thousands of consumer products instead of just acquiring what she/he needs to live, the person is pushed, driven and manipulated by trivial hunter-gatherer instincts, impossible to find true happiness. Unhealthy nom-noms are consumer products.No mindfulness: Just as living self-made commercials, the monkeys jumping around in one´s brain do whatever they want, make it impossible to have longer, coherent, deeper thoughts and let one jump nervously and neurotic from trigger to impulse to emotion to hangry. Mind over body, total easy dude.Not being able to control food intake combines the consumerism in the form of vast amounts of deadly junk trash garbage called food and the missing realization of how one is harming the only body given to her/him. Reducing the food intake to the healthiest and most natural optimum is not just prolonging the life, it is saving real-time that is instead used to choose the weapons of self-destruction by buying newer, shinier, chemicalier highly processed industrial trash. If one has the luck to get old with such a diet, what should the reminiscence look like? „Do you remember, when those new beef patties with many varieties for home cooking came out? We stood in the kitchen for days, trying all new recipes and the one time you ate 7, wasn´t that funny?“ „I nearly had my third heart attack.“ „You see, totally worth it!“A short look on how I eat, because people tend to ask this question before asking why I am macerating myself until a level close to torture (I don´t feel so(anymore ;)) with this sick ascetic overkill. I´ve put the same list in my review of Gregers´ "How not to die" and Mosley Michaels´ great book about intermittent fasting.

The Fast Diet: The Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer

How Not to Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight LossBefore this epiphany I had 3 meals a day and let´s say, I didn´t really care about what I ate. Silent whispering in the background: "You were fat!" "Shut the heck up!" That changed too, but to describe my eating habits in detail, why and how they evolved would go too far and Goodreads has this limit on how long reviews can be and I am already talking far too much about myself.I changed to this schedule:6 am: carbohydrates, protein, milk products, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, wholemeal cereal. No bread, rolls,...12 pm: carbohydrates, vegetables, less protein (cause I want a break between the 6 am and until 4 pm intake). No empty carbohydrates like noodles, pure flour,... just the fresh, natural form as rice, potatoes, durum,...until 4 pm: just fruits, whey, natural sport dietary supplements, hemp protein, soja protein, etc.In general, I am some calories below the daily intake I should have with exercise, ergo and bodyweight training and am hungry at morning, short before lunch and from 7 pm until I go to sleep and sometimes I am completely nuts or, better said, even more than usual, and eat close to nothing for one or two days. Jay, doesn´t that sound funny? But the thing is, the rare times I eat more than usual or substandard junk, probably accompanied by those two demons alcohol and social contac..., I mean conventions, I feel dumber and sicker than after a day of just veggie, fruits, tea, and water. The greatest advantage is the saving of time that comes with clean and lesser eating, because all that chewing around is reduced to the necessary minimum and one can choose from a few hundred fresh ingredients that can be eaten cold, or cooked, or prepared and portioned for cooking and frozen, or cooked and frozen. Trying out new recipes, searching for new, interesting herbs, veggies, seeds,... and combining them is the alternative to keep searching for the latest poison in the supermarket, those assortment has become mostly uninteresting, which saves enormous amounts of time, because just the fresh, mostly organic stuff is bought there and the rest online, automated and (hidden commercial alert) subscribed. You see, just as with general shopaholism, there is hardly any stuff in a megafoodstore that one really needs, except for wasting time, money, and losing a few years of life by the way.A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this, yuck, ugh, boo, completely overrated real-life outside books: