<title>minecraft on Kyle Roth</title>


<description>Recent content in minecraft on Kyle Roth</description>

<generator>Hugo -- gohugo.io</generator>


<lastBuildDate>Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:25:28 -0600</lastBuildDate>

<atom:link href="https://kylrth.com/tags/minecraft/index.xml" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>


<title>Minecraft in Docker</title>


<pubDate>Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:25:28 -0600</pubDate>


<description>This guide shows how to host multiple Minecraft servers on a single machine with docker-compose. mkdir minecraft_server cd minecraft_server mkdir data/ wget https://kylrth.com/post/minecraft/docker-compose.yml \ -O docker-compose.yml This docker-compose setup uses itzg&rsquo;s Docker image, which you see further documentation for here. If you&rsquo;re moving from a vanilla Minecraft world, do the following to get the different world directories in the right position: cp -r ${OLD}/world data/server/world mkdir data/server/world_{nether,the_end} mv data/server/world/DIM-1 data/server/world_nether/DIM-1 mv data/server/world/DIM1 data/server/world_the_end/DIM1 Here&rsquo;s the map from vanilla Minecraft directories to Spigot directories (which is what itzg&rsquo;s container uses):</description>


