This book took me forever to read! I didn't even read it the way Elder Bednar wants you to read it. In the preface he writes:

"This volume is not intended to be a quick, casual, or relaxing read.

...As you progress through the chapters you will need to read, study, ponder, search, ask, knock, record thoughts and feelings, link, connect, revise, rethink, ask again, start again, and most important act.

For this reason the book is formatted with extra wide margins and blank pages in the back so you

This book took me forever to read! I didn't even read it the way Elder Bednar wants you to read it. In the preface he writes:

"This volume is not intended to be a quick, casual, or relaxing read.

...As you progress through the chapters you will need to read, study, ponder, search, ask, knock, record thoughts and feelings, link, connect, revise, rethink, ask again, start again, and most important act.

For this reason the book is formatted with extra wide margins and blank pages in the back so you can make notes, jot down impressions, and record questions that will facilitate your acting and learning. Experiencing this book will require diligent work and sustained commitment."

Some parts of the book were really boring, so I skim read those parts. My favorite parts of the book actually came from talks that you can get online. I took the most notes from these talks and I would give each of these talks 5 stars:

*Quick to Observe (Ensign, December 2006, 30-36)

*Pray Always (Ensign 2008, 41-44)
*A Reservoir of Living Water (CES Fireside Feb 2007) I didn't watch the DVD that the book comes with. The book is made up of 4 short chapters. After each chapter there are some "related readings." It's a pretty pricy book ($26.99) for a book that mostly consists of reprinted talks that you can get for FREE online. For your convenience, here is what is included in each "related readings" section:

Related Readings for Chapter 1

*A copy of 1 Nephi, Chapters 11-14*That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be with Us (Ensign, May 2006, 28-31)*Receive the Holy Ghost (Ensign, November 2010, 94-97)*Quick to Observe (Ensign, December 2006, 30-36)

Related Readings for Chapter 2

*Ye Must Be Born Again (Ensign, May 2007, 19-22)*Clean Hands and a Pure Heart (Ensign, November 2007, 80-83*Watching with All Perseverance (Ensign, May 2010, 40-43)

Related Readings for Chapter 3

*Pray Always (Ensign, November 2008, 41-44)*A Reservoir of Living Water (CES Fireside, February 4, 2007)*The Spirit of Revelation (Ensign, May 2011, 87-90

Related Readings for Chapter 4

*Marriage is Essential to His Eternal Plan (Ensign, June 2006, 82-87)*Becoming a Missionary (Ensign, November 2005, 44-47)*Things as They Really Are (Ensign, June 2010, 16-25)