<title>relationships on Kyle Roth</title>


<description>Recent content in relationships on Kyle Roth</description>

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<lastBuildDate>Wed, 26 May 2021 06:52:44 -0600</lastBuildDate>

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<title>The seven principles for making marriage work: a practical guide from the country's foremost relationship expert</title>


<pubDate>Wed, 26 May 2021 06:52:44 -0600</pubDate>


<description>Better communication doesn&rsquo;t really solve marriage problems. It has a low success rate, and that makes sense because there are plenty of marriages that yell and dispute. Disputation is not a sign of an unhealthy marriage. You&rsquo;d have to be really magnanimous to take criticism about you, even if presented as softly as possible. Personality does not make a marriage incompatible. People can be friends but have very distinct personalities. Handle each other&rsquo;s strange side with caring and respect, as you would a friend.</description>


