<title>technology on Kyle Roth</title>


<description>Recent content in technology on Kyle Roth</description>

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<lastBuildDate>Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:58:02 -0700</lastBuildDate>

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<title>Tools and weapons: the promise and peril of the digital age</title>


<pubDate>Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:58:02 -0700</pubDate>


<description>I started taking notes later in the book. There were lots of good insights in the first half. Sorry! broadband access Getting the internet to rural communities is a big deal for the rural economy. Just like electricity, it&rsquo;s something that needs government support because there isn&rsquo;t the economic incentive for ISPs to reach some of these locations. ethical AI The focus on AI now is not just a fad, but a convergence of several trends that have made AI the next logical step: the increased computational resources, flexible access to compute through the cloud, etc.</description>


