content in technology on Kyle RothHugo -- gohugo.ioen-usThu, 03 Dec 2020 20:58:02 -0700, 03 Dec 2020 20:58:02 -0700 started taking notes later in the book. There were lots of good insights in the first half. Sorry! broadband access Getting the internet to rural communities is a big deal for the rural economy. Just like electricity, it’s something that needs government support because there isn’t the economic incentive for ISPs to reach some of these locations. ethical AI The focus on AI now is not just a fad, but a convergence of several trends that have made AI the next logical step: the increased computational resources, flexible access to compute through the cloud, etc.
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<title>Tools and weapons: the promise and peril of the digital age</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:58:02 -0700</pubDate>
<description>I started taking notes later in the book. There were lots of good insights in the first half. Sorry! broadband access Getting the internet to rural communities is a big deal for the rural economy. Just like electricity, it&rsquo;s something that needs government support because there isn&rsquo;t the economic incentive for ISPs to reach some of these locations. ethical AI The focus on AI now is not just a fad, but a convergence of several trends that have made AI the next logical step: the increased computational resources, flexible access to compute through the cloud, etc.</description>