<title>nations on Kyle Roth</title>


<description>Recent content in nations on Kyle Roth</description>

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<lastBuildDate>Sun, 30 Aug 2020 06:46:49 -0600</lastBuildDate>

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<title>Naked economics: undressing the dismal science</title>


<pubDate>Sun, 30 Aug 2020 06:46:49 -0600</pubDate>


<description>An important question is how much we need to fight income inequality. Is it fair to have 35% growth in the upper class and 3% growth in the lower class? Where is a good balance? We have grown a lot richer since the Industrial Revolution, because we&rsquo;ve become more productive. Wealth is not a zero-sum game. Globalization is good because it allows us to buy cheaper, better products. We can offset short-run job loss by paying or giving human capital to those who lose their jobs to globalization Policies often don&rsquo;t do what we intend them to do, because they change people&rsquo;s decisions for the involved choice.</description>


