Website ( (Home) Home (Historical Institutions) Historical Institutions (Educational Institutions) Educational Institutions (Family History) Family History (Contact) Contact ( Welcome to The Future for Experiencing the Past AI Powered Historical Characters and Experiences Learn more (Down Arrow) Meet historical figures and ancestors. Have lifelike conversations with them. Explore their world and artifacts. ( AI dialogue is unique, knowledgeable, safe, and reliably accurate Talk to Dead People Not just AI A variety of custom built assets combine to create a compelling experience for all types of users and learners Brains Bodies Environments Object Storytelling Bring Your Exhibits to Life And Let Your Visitors Dream Power your Mission with AI (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Attract More Visitors Enhance Educational Programs Add Sponsorship Opportunities Increase Donations ( Highlight your collection (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Show assets not on display Objects can be triggered by dialogue with the user Animated actions or interactive elements Engage All Audiences (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Sustain the interests of children Interactivity drives engagement Kiosks or touch screen enabled Capture user interactions for valuable customer analytics The Time Travel Classroom Step into History Make Your School a Pioneer of Innovation (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Interactive student learning Use in a variety of d ifferent disciplines Adaptable for all ages K-12 Lesson plan integrated Safe AI experiences Affordable Site Licenses If you could meet one person from the past who would it be? And What Would You Ask Them? Your work is not done until you know them (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Preserve the legacy of ancestors Get your kids excited about family history Experience an emotional connection with your ancestors Explore their world and artifacts with object storytelling Bring their Life to Life Images, 3D objects, journals, letters, biographies and other data can all be integrated into the AI experience and activated upon dialogue with the user. Level up your Family Reunions (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) (Checklist Illustration) Share a connection to a shared ancestor Fun interactive game for kids Split the cost with other family members Work together to imagine new ancestors Testimonials (Quotation Mark) The answers felt genuine and the actual environment was nice and lively. I liked how the character answered any question that I had. (Quotation Mark) I have been playing with the AI experience for an hour now and can’t get enough. He has answered every question eloquently and I have learned so much. (Quotation Mark) It gave a glimpse of what is possible with this technology in the future. Contact us and let’s start building your history Office (Pin) (Cellphone Icon) (Message Glyph Icon) Cincinnati, OH 513.504.3193 Inquiries Our only request is that you share in the process of visioning for your unique character. We get excited when you imagine the impossible and we work to make it a reality. Get Social ( ( (Simple Facebook Icon) ( (Simple Instagram Icon) All content copyright LivingHistory.AI 2024